woman in robe and towel turban giving herself a facial

Top 6 Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid Before Your Wedding

Here are the top 6 skincare mistakes you need to avoid before your wedding.

You have done a lot of hard work and planning for your big day, and like most brides, have been working hard on fitness, maintaining great, healthy hair, and making sure your dress and accessories are just perfect. 

The most important thing that can get overlooked in all the excitement leading up to the wedding is good skin care!  

There are mistakes you can avoid if you think about your skin a few months in advance and put a few minor changes in effect. It’s easier than you think to avoid skincare mistakes before your wedding.

For more information on how to get perfect skin in the months leading up to your wedding, see my blog post.

Gorgeous bride in a classical wedding backdrop wear a big, white fully mermaid gown, with long flowing hair.

1. Avoid the junk food and don’t skip the water: top skincare mistake you need to avoid.

Processed and sugary foods cause inflammation, dull gray skin, fine lines, and blemishes! Not worth it!  

There has never been a better time to eat a rainbow. At least for 2 months before your wedding try to eat plenty of fruits and leafy vegetables.

Close up of beautiful bride with beautiful wedding day skin.

These will hydrate and make your skin luminous. Don’t forget nuts, green leafy vegetables, papaya, yogurt, and whole grains.  All of these foods are well known to give you a dewy glow. 

It is also thought that a keto diet can make your skin smoother and more lustrous:  this diet has a positive impact on the skin.

By consuming healthy fats and lowering sugar consumption, inflammation and oxidative stress will decrease. 

And for heavens sake, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day!

In my own experience, there is nothing that makes skin look younger, smoother and dewier than drinking plenty of water. Your makeup will go on more smoothly, and you will have fewer breakouts. Water flushes out unwanted toxins from your body.

2. Watch the stress and don’t skimp on sleep! One of my top 6 skincare mistakes you need to avoid before your wedding

Try to take on some calming activities in the 2 months before your wedding: yoga, massage, meditation, and more time to relax.

I know it’s hard during the stressful weeks leading up until the wedding, but stress and poor sleep really degrade the skin, causing puffiness, dryness, an overall grayness, and fine lines.

If you are having trouble sleeping, try to cut out alcohol which can interfere with sleep, and refrain from looking at your devices in the hour before bedtime.

We know you have a lot of planning to do for the wedding, but try to cut it off in the evening hours so you can rest.

Lack of sleep can also cause your immune system to be suppressed, leaving you more prone to viral infections. Not worth it!

So delegate those pre wedding chores to your wedding party and family members!

3. Don’t do a facial too close to your wedding: One of my top 6 skincare mistakes you need to avoid before your wedding

Instead, start 6 months in advance with 2 facials per month, and a gentle facial a week before. AND certainly don’t do a peel a month or less before the wedding: you can end up with puffiness, peeling, and redness. So don’t let anyone talk you into this. 

4. Avoid the sun: One of my top 6 skincare mistakes you need to avoid before your wedding

If you have to go into the sun wear long leaves, a wide brim hat and plenty of high SPF sunscreen.

Beautiful young woman on the beach wearing a swimsuit and a big sun hat.

A month or less before the wedding is no time to fool around with sun, sunburns, and tan lines.  

Now is the time to get serious about sunblock. You can do a gorgeous spray tan for the wedding .

5. Don’t start a new skincare regimen too close to the wedding.

There won’t be visible results for that glowy wedding day skin if you begin your skin care regimen too close to the wedding.

Try to start 6 months in advance with your new skincare products. If you can’t do 6, certainly do 3 months. 

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Serums and retinols should NOT be used a month or less before your wedding. It takes time for the skin to adjust, and some redness can occur. It takes a couple months to see results from these products. Your skin can actually look worse before it looks better.

Speak to your facialist, aesthetician, and dermatologist for the best recommendations for a skin care program, and start it early!

6. Avoid the alcohol: swap your wine for juicing.

One of my Top 6 skincare mistakes you need to avoid before your wedding:

Skip the celebratory toasts for the 2 months before your wedding and switch to juicing. Alcohol causes inflammation and dries out the skin, and can make you look puffy . 

You will really notice a difference in your skin: it will be smoother, less dry, and that puffiness will go away. You will notice how much more energy and vitality you will have as well, which will translate to a dewy glow in your skin!

You can resume the toasts at the wedding and on the honeymoon. You will deserve them!

Thank you for reading my blog, and I hope you came away with some helpful tips. As always, feel free to leave a comment, and any requests for topics you would like to see covered in future blog posts.

photo of makeup artist Stacy Lande
Hi there! My name is Stacy Lande, and I’m a Los Angeles based hair and makeup artist. Doing wedding makeup and hair is my favorite thing, and I have been transforming brides into the most glamorous version of themselves since 2009
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